Monday, August 31, 2009

Simon de Beauvoir - value in words, truth

Reading Holland (2002) introduction to de Beauvoir. She quotes - "I am an intellectual. I take words and truth to be of value." Force of Circumstance, p.378.

Truth is part of the new/learning Value Dimension. Truth is a community and socially constructed concept (Berger & Luckmann 1967). Words and truth relate to 'power', 'community' - both social value dimensions.


BrandIndex tracks 1,100 consumer brands over 32 sectors on a 7 point profile - ("Buzz", General Impression, Quality, Recommend, Satisfaction, Corporate Reputation & Value). About 2,000 British adults are interviewed daily. They say "BrandIndex takes high-quality, high-relevance data and puts it straight into the hands of decision-makers, so the reporting tool has been designed to suit the style of decision-makers: it’s clear, it’s easy and it’s instant. "

This is close to Value Management, but more like Image Management.

Their best brand booklet from 2007 (UK) is available here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Community Value: OpenStreetMaps (OSM)


A terrific example of a community creating value, I came across yesterday, in looking for a way to use maps on my iPod Touch, while out and about.

I found the iPhone app (Cost: AUD4), OffMaps, which uses, Cloudmade route checking free protocols, on top of Open mapping system - OpenStreetMaps. A company which provides support ( made a video showing how much data has been added to OpenStreetMaps in 2008. See below.

OSM 2008: A Year of Edits from ItoWorld on Vimeo.

Enjoy, and contribute.