Key points:
- let's measure value alongside other accounting measures
- Value is complex
- measuring value is complex

- value theory: the 3G mobile phone study (my PhD):
The conference is interested in: Identify[ing] ways to measure and maximize the value of intangible assets...
The presentation in text (and your comments as always are welcome... questions, examples, critique is also welcome as this helps flush out and improve the Value Theory)....
Draft of presentation: (references below)
Understanding the change in customer needs
1.Understanding what customers value in a service environment: Australian National Data Service2.Measuring perceived customer value; sensing customer value
3.Exploring what value means for your customers: Case Study - 3G Mobile phones 2004 - 2009
Business Analytics:
- Statement of Accounting concepts; reliable, measureable; objective
What is value?
- Aristotle: utility, exchange, conspicuous consumption (Gordon 1964)
- Marx (1865): labour theory of value
- Bailey (1838): in the eye of the beholder; subjective
- Vargo and Lusch (2004): co-construction, value conversation
Who are Australian National Data Service?
- customers: Public Sector and Universities, Department
- goal: more researchers reusing research data more often
- funding: $75 million from Dept. of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science and Research
- resources: 50 staff, five states
Measuring Value at ANDS
- Customer contribution: co-investment
- subjective: customer satisfaction
- examples:
Process of tracing Value at ANDS
- Issues Register; documenting issues (245)
- Client Liaison Officers; face to face
- GoTo Meeting; webinars,
- Monthly Informals
- eResearch Australasia annual conference
Issues Register: Value Management in action
- from Progress and Final Reports
- Section to comment on:
- issues needing ANDS facilitation
- issues need direct advice and support
- achievements to share
- Director's review; traffic lights, keywords, weekly review, follow up action
- next steps: status by customer, Business Intelligence, current issues
Understanding Consumers: 3G mobile phones: Value is complex
- what do they value?
- 12 value meanings;
- 80 value elements; Appendix of thesis (Ferrers 2013)
- a simple example
- Consumer quotes
Consumer quotes:
Understanding your customers;
- B2B or B2C
- Value Management
- Value Leadership
- Value Conversation
Key References:
Aust Accounting Research Foundation (1995). SAC4: Definition and Recognition of the Elements of Financial Statements. Viewed online at:
Bailey, S. (1825). A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures and Causes of Value. London School of Economics (1931), viewed 30.06.2009 at &source=gbs_book_other_versions_r&cad=8#v=onepage&q=&f=false
Ferrers, R. (2011). Value as a resolution of forces. Viewed online at:
Ferrers, R. (2011). Beyond Innovation Management: Towards Value Management. Viewed online at:
Ferrers, R. (2013). A consumer 'value' theory of innovation: a grounded theory approach . figshare. PhD thesis. Retrieved hh:mm, mmm dd, 20xx (GMT)
Gordon, B. (1964) Aristotle and the Development of Value Theory. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 78, 1, 115-128; viewed online at
Kim, W. & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business School Press. More at:
Marx, K. (1865/1919). Value, Price and Profit. Melbourne: The Workers Intelligence Bureau.
Sveiby, E (1997). The New Organisational Wealth: Measuring and Managing Intangible Assets. Berrett-Keohler See summary at:
Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2004). Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. Journal of marketing, 1-17. Available online at: